All families are required to have a Credit Card/Debit Card on file. I want to pay my monthly bill automatically to Above The Barre. I authorize my bank or credit card company to make payments to the company and post or charge for the amount of the payment. A statement will be emailed to the email address provided prior to the account being charged.
I understand my first draft will be on ________
I understand that this membership is continuous unless written notice is provided.
I am aware of the $30 fee on returned EFT drafts.
I am aware that I cannot cancel my membership with any outstanding or negative balance.
I am fully responsible for notifying Above The Barre of any EFT account changes including lost/stolen or expired cards.
Above The Barre will not be responsible for any overdrafts on accounts if Above The Barre did not receive the proper paperwork.
Above The Barre will not backdate any refunds or cancellations for non-use of facilities.
Tuition payments are due the first day of each 4 week class period.
Payment due dates: Upon Registration, and then the first day of each monthly billing session
Download our payment schedule
We offer the same classes throughout the summer with little changes. Students will transfer out of classes with progress and with the recommendation of their teacher!
To keep your child safe, keep the line moving, and ensure that they enjoy a full Open Gym, we will be accepting CASH ONLY. We will no longer be accepting credit cards or charging accounts. Thank you for your understanding and we are sorry for any inconvenience. For the safety of the children, we ask that you do not drop off your child/children for the Friday Night Open Gym no more than 10 minutes before the session starts. We also ask that you make sure to pick your children up promptly at the end. If more than 5 minutes late, there will be a charge of $10, and if more than 10 minutes late, there will be a charge of $1 per additional minute. Thank you for your understanding.
I give Above The Barre permission to use any photos and/or videos for advertising, website, or other media outlets.
I acknowledge that Above the Barre Dance and Gymnastics, its coaches and other staff members, will not accept responsibility for injuries sustained by any student during the course of dance, gymnastic or cheerleading instruction, or in the course of an exhibition, competition, or clinic in which he/she may participate or while traveling to or from the event. I am fully aware that participation in these activities involves motion, rotation, and height in a unique environment, and such carries with it a responsible assumption of risk. I have been warned that catastrophic injury, paralysis, or even death can result from these activities. I further acknowledge, understand, appreciate, and agree that my participation may result in possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases, including, but not limited to, MRSA, Influenza, and COVID-19. While particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of the releasees or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation and exposure.
I consent to have my child or children participate in the programs offered by Above the Barre Dance and Gymnastics. I, my executors or other representatives, waive and release all rights and claims for damages that I or my child have against Above the Barre Dance and Gymnastics/or its representatives. I give permission for the staff at Above the Barre Dance and Gymnastics to contact an ambulance or such other medical care providers as may be deemed responsible and necessary in the event of injury to my child. Parents should make their children aware of the possibility of injury and encourage their children to follow all safety rules and the teacher’s instructions. I have read and will abide by the policies of Above The Barre Dance and Gymnastics.
To keep our classes and students safe …children, not in class must be supervised at all times. They are NOT permitted in the instruction area!
All dance students are included in both concerts.
Christmas Concert is in December of each calendar year.
Dance Concert is held yearly in May or June. Your account balance, including the current month's tuition, must be paid in full prior to receiving your child’s costume. Costumes will be tried on in class prior to the Concert.. Your child will not be able to try on their costume until your account balance is zero. There are NO exceptions. Thank you for your full cooperation!
All pre-school and school-age gymnasts will participate in our annual Gymnastics Award Showcase, showcasing all routines and skills learned throughout their class each year. We encourage families to invite loved ones to watch their gymnast's hard work and joining the fun held here at Above The Barre's Industrial Parkway location. Gymnasts will be ordering a uniform pertaining to their class for the show and expected to have their hair tied back. Upon arrival, students will give all their belongings to their parents as families find their seats, and students are escorted to their arranged place of meeting. There will be seating located all throughout the facility and families will have the ability to buy their gymnasts snacks or good luck charms provided by ATB's booster club. We ask that there is NO FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY for the safety of our students. During the exhibition, there will be performances from our girls and boys team gymnasts showing what they have worked on this year and letting our preschool and academy students have a chance to see them perform. At the end of the program, we will hold an awards ceremony that puts each student in the spotlight and gives great photo opportunities.
The exhibition will be in the last week of May and the beginning of June each year. Families and students will arrive at 6 p.m. and the exhibition starts at 6:30 p.m. Every class will have a specific day to come.
At the beginning of our Ninja Games, students will purchase a uniform for their specific class and compete at different games to earn a title. Ninja will be offered throughout the year at our Industrial Parkway location.
Tuition pays for your child's spot in the class, not attendance. As a courtesy to the instructors, please advise the office of the absence. There are no pro-rations for vacation or sick days.
Dance Makeup Policy
Gymnastics Makeup Policy
All make-up classes must be scheduled and used within 30 days of the original absence. Make-up classes are offered for currently enrolled Above the Barre students only. If a student unenrolls from class for any reason, the ability to make up a missed class is immediately forfeited.
Girls Rec League will participate in three in-house meets. At the beginning of the season, they will purchase a leotard in their team color.
Students are NEVER permitted to go on gymnastics equipment or on the floor without the authorization and supervision of an instructor. This is for the safety of all our students.
Prior to the beginning of class, students must wait in the observation area and be seated. An instructor will call your child's class for warm-ups.
During class, students must remain with an instructor at all times. Misconduct in the class may cause dismissal. Gum chewing is not permitted. Appropriate attire and hair pulled back are required, no jewelry is allowed to be worn.
Our instructors are only responsible for your children during class times. Once your child's classes have ended, it is necessary that they are picked up in a timely manner. Please be a responsible parent. Students must remain inside the building at all times after drop-off and before pickup.
In the event of severe weather conditions, Above the Barre will be closed at the studio's discretion. Please check our website, Channel 3 News iAlert, Facebook, Instagram, or call the office to see if we are closed. Above the Barre does not follow the Berea school district for school closings. The studio will schedule a make-up class date for a severe weather closing.
TO KEEP OUR CLASSES SAFE...CHILDREN NOT IN CLASS must be supervised at all times. They are NOT permitted in the instruction area!
NO FOOD, (this includes "Fast Food"), DRINKS, GUM, OR CANDY ARE PERMITTED IN THE GYM OR OBSERVATION AREAS. Please help to keep our facility clean. Pick up your belongings and trash when exiting the facility! Thank you!
We thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding that our lot can be very busy at times. At our West Bagley Road location, please use the Above the Barre parking area only. You may park in the front of the building, on the immediate sides of the building, and in the rear of the building. Please do not park in the Second Mile Resale Lot next to our building. Your car will be towed at your own expense. At our Berea Industrial Parkway location, there is no limitation on parking spots.
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Above the Barre Industrial
1087 Berea Industrial Pkwy Berea, OH 44017
Above the Barre Bagley
1450 W Bagley Rd Berea, OH 44017